Health,  Wellness

Versatile Food Items I’m Always Stocked Up On

Whether we are busy bees or chronically exhausted, it’s hard to find time and energy to go to the grocery store as often as we’d like. Plus, we never want the food we do have to go to waste. Some nights, I find myself scrounging around my kitchen to see what dinner I can make with the ‘goods’ I’ve got. Having limited energy to shop all of the time and cook time-consuming meals, I’ve gotten REALLY good at stocking up on versatile ingredients that I can use to make quick, balanced, nutrient-dense meals.

So, here is my list of food items that I almost always have on hand:

1. Grains – I like to have 2-3 types of grains stocked in my pantry. I use some type of grain in most of my meals. I make sure I always have (1) some type of pasta (2) quinoa or farro, and (3) rice noodles. Pick a couple of grains that you enjoy and are confident you can prepare a variety of meals with. Some more examples of versatile grains are: rice, bread, cereal, flour tortillas, oats, and barley.

2. Protein – Like grains, having at least 2 different types of protein ready to work with is a must. A mixture of perishable and non-perishable items is ideal. I am a vegetarian, so I go with (1) tofu, (2) dried or canned beans (I usually stock up on chickpeas, lentils, and black beans), and (3) nuts/nut butter (I love me some nuts in my morning oatmeal, dinner dishes, and salads). If you’re not vegan, you can add your favorite meats, eggs, and cheeses to this list. These days, there are vegan substitutes to meats and cheeses, so the vegan crowd can further broaden their group of protein choices.

3. Vegetables – OK, here’s where I go wild. I usually buy too many vegetables because I LOVE variety. I try to always pick up at least one dark leafy green from the store (typically spinach, kale, or arugula). I put spinach in my morning smoothie and incorporate kale into many of my meals. I also ALWAYS make sure I have garlic and shallots in my kitchen (they both make EVERYTHING taste better). I then like to be stocked up on at least 2 other veggies. I usually pick what is in season. Some versatile examples include: zucchini, carrots, bell pepper, beets, celery, mushrooms, (I know, I can’t stop..), tomatoes (guess those are fruit, but whatevs). Carrots, bell peppers, and celery can last a while in the refrigerator and can easily be eaten raw or, one of those 3 vegetables is good to have sitting in your refrigerator waiting to get tagged in.

4. Potatoes -I gave potatoes their own category because this super versatile, starchy ingredient can be used with or in place of a grain. Typically, I’ll pick up a couple o’ potatoes at the store. I’m a big fan of sweet potatoes (they can be used in a lot of different meals – I just made sweet potato tacos last night!). I also love doing a roast with some lil’ guys like the purple or fingerling potatoes. And, yeah, homemade french fries are where it’s at! Also, potatoes have a pretty decent shelf life (up to a few months if stored in a cool, dark space), which is great for stocking up with a few and having them ready to use when your supply of vegetables starts dwindling.

5. Fruits – Again, hard to limit myself but I’ll try. Don’t skimp on the fruits! They are a great source of dietary fiber and can be perfect to incorporate in your breakfast or be eaten as a snack (I even put them in salads!). I usually stock up on at least one type of berry (raspberry, blackberry, or blueberry usually). I always have frozen wild blueberries in my freezer to use in my smoothie. Then, I will get at least one other type of fruit, depending on what is in season. Apples and bananas are versatile and good staples. I will see what is in season and grab what is ripe and tasty looking: peaches, plums, pear, kiwi, mango, pineapple, etc. Don’t purchase too much because many fruits don’t have a super long shelf life. Figure out how much fruit you actually eat (pay attention to what you end up wasting). I also buy one type of dried fruit (I prefer dried cherries). Dried fruit can be a great addition to cereals as well as savory dishes and salads.

6. Lemons and limes – I know these are fruits, but I gave them their own section because I always have at least two of each on hand since I use their juices to make delicious vinaigrettes and sauces. I also like to squeeze their juices onto dishes to add a little bit of acidity and brightness. Obviously, if you don’t like lemons or limes (but WHYY?), don’t buy them. However, they can be instrumental in making many dishes pop with flavor.

7. Avocado – Again, I know this is a vegetable, but avocados are a great item to always pick up at the store (if you like avocado). They are full of healthy fats and make SO many dishes taste good. They can easily be incorporated in meals for breakfast (omelettes), lunch (avo toast), and dinner (tacos, salads, etc.) Plus, GUACAMOLE!!! Buy a ripe one if you’re using it within a couple days or buy an unripe one if you want it to last a little longer.

8. Herbs – The thing I LOVE about herbs? They make your taste buds DANCE. Basically, they make healthy meals delicious. I ALWAYS have dried herbs stocked up, including rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, coriander, and fennel seed. I especially love to add the dried herbs to a soup to give it flavor. I love FRESH herbs even more! I’ll usually pick 1 type during my grocery store visit. I often have basil, dill, mint, cilantro, sage, and rosemary in my rotation. I usually pick a certain herb for a certain dish, but always find use for the remainder of the bundle. Now that I have a baby herb garden, I get to have more variety!

9. Spices – Spices sky-rocket the flavor of any dish. In addition to basic salt and pepper, I like cumin seed, turmeric, curry powder, chili powder, paprika, cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I have tons of other spices though. I’ll buy for a specific recipe and then they’ll accumulate over time.

10. Olive oil – Needs no explanation! I use it in everything. Other types of healthy oils are great too (sesame, avocado, etc.). I don’t use a ton of butter these days, but it can definitely be considered a staple ingredient!

11. Yogurt – If you like yogurt (dairy or dairy-free ~your pick!), add it to your list. Being a probiotic food and a decent source of protein, this versatile ingredient can be a great addition to many meals. It can be incorporated into breakfast (put it in a smoothie), lunch (yogurt+granola+fruit), AND dinner (yogurt-based sauces, like Tzatziki).

12. Randoms – there are a few other miscellaneous items I usually always have stocked: olives (can go in so many dishes and adds delicious salty flavor), mustard for dips, sandwiches, and sauces/vinaigrettes, some type of vinegar (rice wine, balsamic), coconut milk (great in curries and soups), and some type of sweetener (sugar, honey, maple syrup).

So, there ya go! These are the items that I always stock my kitchen with. They allow me to make a wide variety of healthy, tasty, and easy meals from breakfast to lunch to dinner!

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