Health,  Wellness

10 Ways to Spread Kindness

Some simple ways to spread kindness and love throughout our communities

As the holiday season approaches, I like to think about the holiday spirit and the ways I can show love and appreciation for others. It’s easy for us to get caught up in our own busy worlds and schedules. For many people, the holidays are a time to unwind and relax with family. For others, it’s a busy time of planning parties, activities, shopping, etc. And sadly, for some, it’s a time when loneliness, pain, and sorrow is heightened.

Kindness is contagious–showing acknowledgement, compassion, and care within our communities often has a butterfly effect..and what better time to start upping our game than during this holiday season? My general rule of thumb with acts of love and kindness is: what could someone do/say/show me today that would make me smile, feel valued, or restore my faith in humankind? Chances are, something that brightens up my day will have the same effect on someone else’s. Here are some ways we can spread the cheer and show our appreciation of one another.

1. Give compliments

Daily, we recognize the things we appreciate and value in others, but we often neglect to actually communicate that to those people. Receiving a genuine compliment can truly boost someone’s mood, their feelings of self-worth, and make them feel loved and appreciated.

Complimenting our family, friends, and coworkers might feel a little more organic than complimenting someone we are less familiar with. If you tune yourself into that person like you do your family, I am sure you will find something special about them. Maybe they have a radiant smile, their laugh is contagious, or you like their outfit or hairdo. Maybe they are giving you excellent service or crushing their workout. Remember, this person might be in great need of some recognition and appreciation. Perhaps no one in their lives is making them feel valued at the moment.

2. Greet or smile at people you pass by

A smile goes a LONG way. Don’t be afraid to flash those pearly whites when you pass by someone on the street (including the homeless–they are humans too), hiking trail, a coworker in the hallway, or someone you’re encountering at a coffee shop or restaurant. I especially love when I am running or hiking on a trail and someone greets me with a big grin and waves at me with enthusiasm. It can sometimes bring me out of my deepest funk.

smiling child

3. Pay it forward

Initiating the act of ‘paying it for forward’ is a great way to spread kindness. Often times this transpires as a train of people paying for the person behind them at a coffee shop, but it can be applied to many other situations. Maybe you want to leave a tip to the sweet and hardworking barista at that coffee shop as well :). This small act always brightens peoples’ days and restores their faith in the goodness of humanity. Hopefully it has a snowball effect!

4. Share your humor

Humor is a way of initiating a connection and bond with someone (as I point out in this post). By telling a joke and making someone laugh, we allow for ourselves to let down our guards, be present, and share a moment together. I still look back on those moments of engaging in humor with another person as not only an uplifting experience, but a personal one as well.

laughing friends

5. Offer to help someone in need

If you see someone who looks to be overwhelmed/struggling and in need of some help (maybe they are lost or need help loading their groceries into their car), don’t be afraid to offer to lend a hand. Perhaps a friend or loved one needs assistance with childcare, a stressful task, or maybe they just need emotional support. Life is busy, but we should never be too busy to help someone in need.

helping a friend

6. Volunteer or donate to an organization you support

These are ways to spread that are especially popular during the holidays. Volunteering can look many different ways. Maybe you volunteer at a homeless shelter, a hospital, or you choose to be a mentor to someone. I love mentoring and volunteering with kids, for example.

Monetary donations, if you are in a financial place to do so, is an easy way to show your support without having to give much of your time. There are many worthy causes/organizations and you can choose one that you truly believe in. Donating to GoFundMe accounts dedicated to friends or community members who need help covering costs from things like accidents/injuries or healthcare is also a good way to show your support. A little donation goes a long way.

7. Leave a kind note on someone’s windshield

This is a sweet little act you can do for a loved one or a complete stranger. In your note, you can express your love and appreciation, you can show encouragement, you can write an inspirational quote or words of wisdom. Whatever note you leave, I am sure the person on the receiving end will perk up and feel grateful for your act of kindness.

8. Let someone cut in front of you in line

Be it at the grocery store or the airport, helping ease someone’s stresses of the day is a simple, but generous act. Especially if I see someone is rushing to catch a flight or is overwhelmed at the grocery store, I like to let them cut ahead.

9. Give a hug

Giving hugs is a very personal way to spread kindness, love, and comfort someone. Not everyone is comfortable with human touch/hugging, so it is important to respect boundaries, but take a read on the situation and offer up a hug to someone who seems in need of one.

children hugging

10. Show kindness to someone who is NOT showing you kindness

It is easy to pass judgment and defend ourselves against someone who is being mean, short, or rude to us. However, this person is probably overwhelmed or hurting deeply inside. Maybe they had a bad day, or maybe they are going through a lot of trauma, grief, and stress in their life. While their behavior is not to be encouraged, we can choose to have compassion and still respond to them with kindness, despite their inability to do the same at that moment. Who knows, maybe it will change their course!

I’d love to hear some of your ideas of ways to spread kindness! Please add in the comments section. And remember, let’s be kind to the other living beings we share this Earth with as well!